Taniksha Gupta

Success Stories
January 30, 2022

Taniksha Gupta

January 30, 2022
Success Stories

Mom Community: Interview With Mom Shares Club Founder Ruchi Tibrewal

During our weekly Saturday ritual event called Incredible Stories Of Community Entrepreneurs, we had a little chat with Ruchi Tibrewal on 26th June. She is the founder of the online mom community, Mom Shares Club.

Ruchi is a homemaker and a mother to a five-year-old. She started her Community Entrepreneur journey with LikeMinds in November 2020. Currently, she has empowered over 350+ mom bloggers through her mom community. She is one of those super empathetic community builders you want to keep at the top of your contact list.

In this exclusive conversation with Ruchi, we got to know:

  • What Was Her Life Before She Stepped Into the Young Moms Community?
  • How Does Ruchi Balance Her Personal Life Apart From The Stay At Home Mom Community?
  • What Values Does The Mom Shares Cub Bring Into The Lives Of Its Members?

And much more!

If you're looking for a community-building platform with inbuilt features that will help you in building constant communication with your community members, then look no further and check out LikeMinds right now.

What Was Her Life Before She Stepped Into Community Building?

Before getting into community building, Ruchi loved talking to people and making new friends. She always engaged in positive conversations, especially on lesser talked-about topics. "We have one life so there is no place for negativity'', this is the basic funda of Ruchi's life. 

She loves to read a lot, and she is also into music. Most importantly, she is a mother to a five-year-old. So, she needs to set the right example for her son. Her everyday life starts knowing that her son is looking up to her.

Being a homemaker, she does not want her son to think that all she does is stay at home. How her son sees women and making sure that he respects them is the most important aspect of her life.

How Did Mom Community Become A Part Of Her Journey?

When she got pregnant, Ruchi started sharing her experience in an interview for a magazine. After that, she started getting a lot of queries related to pregnancy, IVF, and things like that. These conversations made her realize that these less talked about topics need extra attention.

She then started exploring the world of social media and wrote some blogs. Soon, she realized that there is no mom blogger community established for mom bloggers like her where members learn something or continue their passion effortlessly.

Then she came across LikeMinds, and the entire team invested a lot of time and patience in her. Ruchi thinks that everything she has achieved today is because of their constant guidance and support. She learned every little thing here. And LikeMinds gave her the perfect mom community for her dreams and passion.

She created a secure space for the mom blogger community. And, this is how she got into community management. She gives all the credit to Nipun, Paras, and Himanshu for teaching her everything from scratch.

They introduced the idea of communities to her, boosted her confidence, and made her believe that she could do anything. LikeMinds is why the Mom Shares Club came into existence.

Also, Check-Out:

What Values Does The Mom Shares Club Bring Into The Lives Of Its Members?

The most important thing for Ruchi is the bond between the members of her online mom communities. All of them need like-minded people, and they deserve to know that they are not alone in dealing with everyday life.

Other than that, at the stay-at-home mom community, the members are provided with curated sessions. There is a panel of experts and mentors from different domains. For instance, a digital marketing expert, social media expert, entrepreneurship expert, health and well-being expert, child nutritionist, phonics expert for child's speech therapy, etc.

These mentors take webinars on the area of their expertise. They share their tips every day on related topics. There is always a unique takeaway from every expert. The young moms' community members also share parenting tips and other hacks related to the day-to-day activities that moms need help with.

Even on the professional front, these mentors help the members with what to post on Instagram, how to attract more engagement, etc. Apart from this, the members of Ruchi's mom community are very active in sharing their feedback and insights. A lot of members are also given the free space and opportunity to host their webinars in their area of expertise.

It makes the members feel like the 'Mom Shares Club' is their community. They can explore it as a host, mentor, anything that they want. That is the essence of the stay-at-home mom community - 'They Evolve'.

How Does Ruchi Deal With Her Members' Personal Issues? 

Ruchi was very disturbed by some of the incidents shared with her. Moreover, she felt helpless because she was not the right person to give any advice on those topics. That is what made her more confident about creating this stay-at-home mom community as a safe space.

She decided that she needs to talk to all these members because all they need is someone to share their stories with. All she had to do was listen. That is when Ruchi started working on gathering mentors.

Because she did not have the answer to everything, she started looking for experts. While talking to the members and getting to know about some serious issues, the mom community started the mentoring process.

Also, Check-Out:

How Do You Tell People Who Ping You For Minor Issues, To Reach Out To The Mom Community First?

Ruchi has never kept that filter between her members. She always encourages people to come straight to her with a problem. Accordingly, she makes sure that she is connecting them with the right person to talk about the real issue.

Even now, she gets messages at 2 a.m. And she feels responsible for all these people. The young moms' community has faith in her, which explains why they contact her even at such odd hours.

She was never offended by this approach. She just makes sure that every time a member reaches out to her, she can provide them with the right solution, by connecting them with the right person. Being a community manager, there is no escape from this.

In Ruchi's words, 'You cannot just delegate the tough parts to the mentors or volunteers. It is your community. The members joined because of you. That makes it your responsibility to make sure that everything gets resolved in the best way possible.' 

How Does Ruchi Balance Her Personal Life Apart From The Mom Community?

Ruchi has created a safe space for the mom community, and she needs them as much as they need her. It does get difficult to manage things at times. Her son is just five years old, and she lives in a typical joint family so, things are very tricky for her to balance.

But she is blessed with a supportive mother-in-law. She handles everything very well for her. Her mother also lives in the same city so, both of her mothers play a very important role in managing the everyday life for her.

So talking about her personal life, Ruchi's mom is a therapist so, she can always count on her for advice. Her mom always listens to her and gives her the best advice to deal with problems and come out of burnout. Her mother has some good solutions.

She feels lucky to be blessed with not just one but two such great and supportive mothers!

Also, Check-Out:

An Impact Story That Touched Her

Last month, Ruchi had a very serious burn-out. During that time, she got a call from one of her members who was pregnant for the second time. They had a long discussion because she was not ready to keep the child.

Ruchi connected her with some of the experts. And recently, that member contacted her to tell her that 'Because of you, I am continuing with this pregnancy. I feel very stupid to even think about giving the baby up. I am so glad that you connected me with such people.' This story is very close to her heart.

What Is the One Compliment Ruchi Would Like To Give Herself Today?

Before community building, Ruchi was just a homemaker. But now, she is a homemaker as well as a community builder of the mom community. So when people praise her for balancing both things equally well, that is her favorite compliment. She can proudly say, 'I am a homemaker, and this is my stay-at-home mom community'.

If you are looking for a community-building platform with inbuilt features to keep your audience constantly engaged, then give LikeMinds a try today.

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Deploy customised features on top of chat and feed in 15 minutes using LikeMinds SDK.

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Mom Community: Interview With Mom Shares Club Founder Ruchi Tibrewal

Taniksha Gupta
January 30, 2022

During our weekly Saturday ritual event called Incredible Stories Of Community Entrepreneurs, we had a little chat with Ruchi Tibrewal on 26th June. She is the founder of the online mom community, Mom Shares Club.

Ruchi is a homemaker and a mother to a five-year-old. She started her Community Entrepreneur journey with LikeMinds in November 2020. Currently, she has empowered over 350+ mom bloggers through her mom community. She is one of those super empathetic community builders you want to keep at the top of your contact list.

In this exclusive conversation with Ruchi, we got to know:

  • What Was Her Life Before She Stepped Into the Young Moms Community?
  • How Does Ruchi Balance Her Personal Life Apart From The Stay At Home Mom Community?
  • What Values Does The Mom Shares Cub Bring Into The Lives Of Its Members?

And much more!

If you're looking for a community-building platform with inbuilt features that will help you in building constant communication with your community members, then look no further and check out LikeMinds right now.

What Was Her Life Before She Stepped Into Community Building?

Before getting into community building, Ruchi loved talking to people and making new friends. She always engaged in positive conversations, especially on lesser talked-about topics. "We have one life so there is no place for negativity'', this is the basic funda of Ruchi's life. 

She loves to read a lot, and she is also into music. Most importantly, she is a mother to a five-year-old. So, she needs to set the right example for her son. Her everyday life starts knowing that her son is looking up to her.

Being a homemaker, she does not want her son to think that all she does is stay at home. How her son sees women and making sure that he respects them is the most important aspect of her life.

How Did Mom Community Become A Part Of Her Journey?

When she got pregnant, Ruchi started sharing her experience in an interview for a magazine. After that, she started getting a lot of queries related to pregnancy, IVF, and things like that. These conversations made her realize that these less talked about topics need extra attention.

She then started exploring the world of social media and wrote some blogs. Soon, she realized that there is no mom blogger community established for mom bloggers like her where members learn something or continue their passion effortlessly.

Then she came across LikeMinds, and the entire team invested a lot of time and patience in her. Ruchi thinks that everything she has achieved today is because of their constant guidance and support. She learned every little thing here. And LikeMinds gave her the perfect mom community for her dreams and passion.

She created a secure space for the mom blogger community. And, this is how she got into community management. She gives all the credit to Nipun, Paras, and Himanshu for teaching her everything from scratch.

They introduced the idea of communities to her, boosted her confidence, and made her believe that she could do anything. LikeMinds is why the Mom Shares Club came into existence.

Also, Check-Out:

What Values Does The Mom Shares Club Bring Into The Lives Of Its Members?

The most important thing for Ruchi is the bond between the members of her online mom communities. All of them need like-minded people, and they deserve to know that they are not alone in dealing with everyday life.

Other than that, at the stay-at-home mom community, the members are provided with curated sessions. There is a panel of experts and mentors from different domains. For instance, a digital marketing expert, social media expert, entrepreneurship expert, health and well-being expert, child nutritionist, phonics expert for child's speech therapy, etc.

These mentors take webinars on the area of their expertise. They share their tips every day on related topics. There is always a unique takeaway from every expert. The young moms' community members also share parenting tips and other hacks related to the day-to-day activities that moms need help with.

Even on the professional front, these mentors help the members with what to post on Instagram, how to attract more engagement, etc. Apart from this, the members of Ruchi's mom community are very active in sharing their feedback and insights. A lot of members are also given the free space and opportunity to host their webinars in their area of expertise.

It makes the members feel like the 'Mom Shares Club' is their community. They can explore it as a host, mentor, anything that they want. That is the essence of the stay-at-home mom community - 'They Evolve'.

How Does Ruchi Deal With Her Members' Personal Issues? 

Ruchi was very disturbed by some of the incidents shared with her. Moreover, she felt helpless because she was not the right person to give any advice on those topics. That is what made her more confident about creating this stay-at-home mom community as a safe space.

She decided that she needs to talk to all these members because all they need is someone to share their stories with. All she had to do was listen. That is when Ruchi started working on gathering mentors.

Because she did not have the answer to everything, she started looking for experts. While talking to the members and getting to know about some serious issues, the mom community started the mentoring process.

Also, Check-Out:

How Do You Tell People Who Ping You For Minor Issues, To Reach Out To The Mom Community First?

Ruchi has never kept that filter between her members. She always encourages people to come straight to her with a problem. Accordingly, she makes sure that she is connecting them with the right person to talk about the real issue.

Even now, she gets messages at 2 a.m. And she feels responsible for all these people. The young moms' community has faith in her, which explains why they contact her even at such odd hours.

She was never offended by this approach. She just makes sure that every time a member reaches out to her, she can provide them with the right solution, by connecting them with the right person. Being a community manager, there is no escape from this.

In Ruchi's words, 'You cannot just delegate the tough parts to the mentors or volunteers. It is your community. The members joined because of you. That makes it your responsibility to make sure that everything gets resolved in the best way possible.' 

How Does Ruchi Balance Her Personal Life Apart From The Mom Community?

Ruchi has created a safe space for the mom community, and she needs them as much as they need her. It does get difficult to manage things at times. Her son is just five years old, and she lives in a typical joint family so, things are very tricky for her to balance.

But she is blessed with a supportive mother-in-law. She handles everything very well for her. Her mother also lives in the same city so, both of her mothers play a very important role in managing the everyday life for her.

So talking about her personal life, Ruchi's mom is a therapist so, she can always count on her for advice. Her mom always listens to her and gives her the best advice to deal with problems and come out of burnout. Her mother has some good solutions.

She feels lucky to be blessed with not just one but two such great and supportive mothers!

Also, Check-Out:

An Impact Story That Touched Her

Last month, Ruchi had a very serious burn-out. During that time, she got a call from one of her members who was pregnant for the second time. They had a long discussion because she was not ready to keep the child.

Ruchi connected her with some of the experts. And recently, that member contacted her to tell her that 'Because of you, I am continuing with this pregnancy. I feel very stupid to even think about giving the baby up. I am so glad that you connected me with such people.' This story is very close to her heart.

What Is the One Compliment Ruchi Would Like To Give Herself Today?

Before community building, Ruchi was just a homemaker. But now, she is a homemaker as well as a community builder of the mom community. So when people praise her for balancing both things equally well, that is her favorite compliment. She can proudly say, 'I am a homemaker, and this is my stay-at-home mom community'.

If you are looking for a community-building platform with inbuilt features to keep your audience constantly engaged, then give LikeMinds a try today.

Supercharge your retention with in-app social features

Deploy customised features on top of chat and feed in 15 minutes using LikeMinds SDK.

Let's start!