Nishant Nihar

Members Management
December 25, 2021

Nishant Nihar

December 25, 2021
Members Management

All-In-One Guide To New Member Onboarding Process

The new member onboarding process of your community is a critical one. As it doesn’t matter at what stage your community is, setting up this process and making it successful will always need hard efforts. And before you start working on it, first you need to sort out all the things running in and around your community to make them aligned for a smooth member onboarding process.

You can also think of it as the next step in your funnel and what things you can do just after a new member joins your community to make his experience better. You will be one step ahead of everyone who is building their communities. And imagine how it feels where your every single effort will be counted and all you see is the growth of your community.

So the member onboarding process is basically where you need to show members the value, the culture of your community. You also help them realize what things they will miss out on by not being an active part of the community.

Send A Welcome Email

Make sure whenever new members join your community, they get a personalized welcome email. Also, ensure that it includes a clear call-to-action(CTA) on the next steps they can take as a response to it. For example, you can encourage them to comment and introduce themselves in the introduction thread.

You can keep up to 3 mails in the welcome email sequence and design those emails based on member activity. Like after a week you can ask for their experience and feedback as CTA.

Create A Thread For New Members' Introductions

Ask your new members to introduce themselves to other community members. You can also suggest some points that they can share about themselves like what they do, why did they join this community. For this activity, you can create a new thread under which the members can introduce themselves and get to know each other well.

You can also make this thread your community ritual (a ritual is an activity that you do regularly on a fixed day/date just to create a habit of participation among members. And after some time, they get to know what to expect from other members of the community).

Setup A ‘Get Started’ Document

This document can be really helpful for new member onboarding to find common questions and how to participate in the community. You can include things like code of conduct, FAQs, rules, guidelines, a resource library, etc.

Also, Check-Out:

Share Community Details

For this also, you can create a document and share the inside things on how the community works, its rituals, how moderation works, what kind of events you conduct generally. Include all the things that play a big role in your community.

Get Help From Old Members

Ask active members, moderators, and even other admins to help you out with member onboarding to make it even better. Because there's nothing worse than a first-time question by a new member going unanswered. You must know that posting for the first time is a big deal and you need to encourage your old members to pay attention to first-timers and appreciate them consistently.

Show Them The Benefits

You can take new members through various sections of the community and tell them perks like a newsletter, blogs, daily updates, exclusive event access, etc.

Organize Meetups

You can also arrange a meetup for the new users only to have real-time interaction, to solve the queries, and share how your community works to understand them better.

Personalized Calls

Well, you can learn why they have joined your community, their goals, their special skills. This is also a nice way to figure out if they can add value by doing personalized calls or chats.

Create A Buddy System

You will always find some members who love to talk and enjoy providing guidance. All you need to do is assign old members to a set of new members. These new members can get guidance and get their questions answered easily.

Welcome Video

Videos are highly engaging content formats so you can create a short video welcoming the new members and explaining to them how everything works in your community. That will be quick and enough for them to start participating.

Create Calls To Action

Include key CTAs in different sections of your community using which they can be redirected to the right things to read and do. Here you have to be clear and direct about the action you want your members to take.

If you wish to see your community thrive, member onboarding is the first thing that should be a priority. As it will be very difficult to grow one without sorting this member onboarding process.

There can be a number of things other than what I mentioned above. It’s up to you whatever you pick up which feels convenient to you. Moreover, you can always tweak them according to your community's needs.

Good luck! For more such advice, check out LikeMinds today.

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All-In-One Guide To New Member Onboarding Process

Nishant Nihar
December 25, 2021

The new member onboarding process of your community is a critical one. As it doesn’t matter at what stage your community is, setting up this process and making it successful will always need hard efforts. And before you start working on it, first you need to sort out all the things running in and around your community to make them aligned for a smooth member onboarding process.

You can also think of it as the next step in your funnel and what things you can do just after a new member joins your community to make his experience better. You will be one step ahead of everyone who is building their communities. And imagine how it feels where your every single effort will be counted and all you see is the growth of your community.

So the member onboarding process is basically where you need to show members the value, the culture of your community. You also help them realize what things they will miss out on by not being an active part of the community.

Send A Welcome Email

Make sure whenever new members join your community, they get a personalized welcome email. Also, ensure that it includes a clear call-to-action(CTA) on the next steps they can take as a response to it. For example, you can encourage them to comment and introduce themselves in the introduction thread.

You can keep up to 3 mails in the welcome email sequence and design those emails based on member activity. Like after a week you can ask for their experience and feedback as CTA.

Create A Thread For New Members' Introductions

Ask your new members to introduce themselves to other community members. You can also suggest some points that they can share about themselves like what they do, why did they join this community. For this activity, you can create a new thread under which the members can introduce themselves and get to know each other well.

You can also make this thread your community ritual (a ritual is an activity that you do regularly on a fixed day/date just to create a habit of participation among members. And after some time, they get to know what to expect from other members of the community).

Setup A ‘Get Started’ Document

This document can be really helpful for new member onboarding to find common questions and how to participate in the community. You can include things like code of conduct, FAQs, rules, guidelines, a resource library, etc.

Also, Check-Out:

Share Community Details

For this also, you can create a document and share the inside things on how the community works, its rituals, how moderation works, what kind of events you conduct generally. Include all the things that play a big role in your community.

Get Help From Old Members

Ask active members, moderators, and even other admins to help you out with member onboarding to make it even better. Because there's nothing worse than a first-time question by a new member going unanswered. You must know that posting for the first time is a big deal and you need to encourage your old members to pay attention to first-timers and appreciate them consistently.

Show Them The Benefits

You can take new members through various sections of the community and tell them perks like a newsletter, blogs, daily updates, exclusive event access, etc.

Organize Meetups

You can also arrange a meetup for the new users only to have real-time interaction, to solve the queries, and share how your community works to understand them better.

Personalized Calls

Well, you can learn why they have joined your community, their goals, their special skills. This is also a nice way to figure out if they can add value by doing personalized calls or chats.

Create A Buddy System

You will always find some members who love to talk and enjoy providing guidance. All you need to do is assign old members to a set of new members. These new members can get guidance and get their questions answered easily.

Welcome Video

Videos are highly engaging content formats so you can create a short video welcoming the new members and explaining to them how everything works in your community. That will be quick and enough for them to start participating.

Create Calls To Action

Include key CTAs in different sections of your community using which they can be redirected to the right things to read and do. Here you have to be clear and direct about the action you want your members to take.

If you wish to see your community thrive, member onboarding is the first thing that should be a priority. As it will be very difficult to grow one without sorting this member onboarding process.

There can be a number of things other than what I mentioned above. It’s up to you whatever you pick up which feels convenient to you. Moreover, you can always tweak them according to your community's needs.

Good luck! For more such advice, check out LikeMinds today.

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