Pooja Singh

Event Recordings
October 16, 2023

Pooja Singh

October 16, 2023
Event Recordings

Community Moderation: A DeepDive into Needs, Methods, & Experiences

Online communities play a vital role in connecting people from all walks of life. These communities, whether they revolve around shared interests, professional networking, support, or simply a common passion, have become digital havens for countless individuals. But with great connectivity comes the responsibility of maintaining a safe and respectful environment. This is where community moderation steps in.

TL: DR Using case studies and examples shared by Shelton Desouza, Avani Parekh, Aswathi, & Nipun Goyal we’ll delve into the world of community moderation, exploring the skills required for effective moderation, offering tips to tackle harmful comments, introducing tools to enhance the moderation process, discussing best practices for offline community building, and emphasizing the role of moderation in building inclusive online spaces.

Read the blog or watch the full episode to have interesting insights about tools, strategies, and processes of community moderation.

Must Have Skills To Elevate Your Moderation Abilities

Communication Skills - Community moderators are the guardians of the online realm, tasked with ensuring that every member feels heard and valued. Empathy is their superpower, enabling them to understand the needs and concerns of community members. Effective communication skills allow them to resolve conflicts, guide discussions, and build rapport within the community.

Problem-Solving Abilities - Moderators need to wear many hats, and problem-solving is a key skill in their arsenal. From mediating disputes to addressing technical issues, they must think on their feet to maintain a harmonious environment.

Cultural Sensitivity - In our globalized digital world, cultural sensitivity is paramount. Moderators must navigate cultural differences respectfully to ensure that no member feels excluded or marginalized.

Time Management and Organizational Skills - Keeping users engaged requires a well-organized schedule for content and activities. 

Conflict Resolution Skills - Addressing disagreements and feedback constructively is crucial for maintaining a harmonious community.

Here’s what our community experts have shared on this:

I believe you can't train for the voice, so your team members either intuitively get what your brand voice is or they don't. That was a really big learning in terms of moving from smaller communities to within the app and scaling to millions and more – we always prioritize that voice first - Avani Parekh
Communicating with members might not always be possible for a community manager. So you have to set up a process where members or users can question your moderation process such as ticketing or an appealing system. This is an important change you’ll need to incorporate when your community scales. Regardless of the size and type of the community transparency is essential  - Aswathi

Strategies to Counter Harmful Comments Passed by Community Members

Recognizing Harmful Comments - Understanding the nuances of harmful comments is the first step in addressing them. This includes recognizing hate speech, trolling, cyberbullying, and other negative behaviors. 

Responding to Harmful Comments - Moderators should be equipped with strategies for responding to harmful comments. This includes knowing when to intervene, when to ignore, and maintaining a professional tone in all interactions.

Enforcing Consequences - Consequences are essential for maintaining a respectful community. Moderators should explain the process of warning members and, if necessary, banning those who repeatedly engage in harmful behavior.

Real World Example: Aswathi used a 3-strike policy to stop violating comments shared in her community at Quora. Here are 3 steps followed by her:- 

  1. Educate About Guidelines: Engage in 1:1 communication to educate members about community guidelines.
  2. Warning System: Use email warnings to address inappropriate behavior.
  3. Member Removal: If guidelines are persistently violated, removal may be necessary to protect the community.

Tools for Community Managers to Improve the Moderation Process

  • Platform-Specific Tools - Many platforms offer built-in or add-on moderation tools. Example: MEE6 for Discord.
  • Content Filtering Software - Use software to filter out inappropriate content automatically.
  • Flagging - Highlight words or phrases that need immediate attention. Quora had an inbuilt system for this.
  • Stay Informed - Set up notifications via email or other channels to manage the community effectively without being online 24/7.

Best Practices for Offline Community Building

Identifying Shared Interests - Offline community building starts with identifying common interests or goals that bring community members or users together. Events and activities should align with these interests.

Transparent Communication - Maintain open and transparent channels to keep members informed about events and updates. Open and transparent communication is essential for organizing successful offline events. Effective communication strategies and tools can facilitate the process.

Inclusivity and Diversity - Offline events must be accessible and welcoming to all members, regardless of background. Promoting diversity within the community is crucial for fostering inclusivity.

Here’s some tips our experts have shared on this:

Pay attention to every little thing to avoid your member feeling leftover as it is important to make people feel more comfortable & how do you break the ice? It takes a lot more human effort - Shelton  
You need to decide who is not supposed to be in the room as it is more important than whom you are inviting because if you have the wrong people (with different interests or perspectives) the whole event can derail because it might seem good to have 2000 people at your event but you need to make your curation effective according to your targeted audience  - Avani 

Use of Moderation to Build an Inclusive Community

Crafting Inclusive Community Guidelines - Community guidelines should be crafted to promote inclusivity and respect for all members. Inclusive guidelines can help you set the tone for a welcoming environment.

Diversity in Moderation Team - A diverse moderation team, representing various backgrounds and perspectives, helps enhance the community's ability to address inclusivity effectively.

Handling Cultural Nuances - Sensitivity to cultural and regional differences is essential in moderating discussions and addressing potential misunderstandings.

Double down on what you are trying to encourage to happen. Reinforce certain values while onboarding and induction and try to give people visibility to see how these play out 

How Moderation Strategy Changes for a Specific Community?

For Large Communities, Moderation Techniques May Be Focused On:

1. Frequent Team Collaboration:

  • In large communities, there's often a higher volume of interactions and content. Moderation teams need to collaborate closely to manage this workload effectively.
  • Assign specific roles and responsibilities to team members to ensure every aspect of the community is covered.

2. Crisis Management:

  • Large communities are more susceptible to crises, such as viral controversies or spam attacks. Moderators must be prepared to handle these situations swiftly and decisively.
  • Develop crisis management protocols and escalation procedures to respond to emergencies effectively.

3. Data Analysis:

  • Utilize data analysis tools to monitor community trends, spot potential issues, and gather insights into user behavior.
  • Regularly review data to adjust moderation strategies, identify emerging problems, and make data-driven decisions.

4. Automation and Tools:

  • In large communities, automation and moderation tools become indispensable. 
  • Implement content filtering systems and keyword-based flagging to help manage the high volume of content.

5. Community Guidelines Enforcement:

  • Enforce community guidelines consistently and rigorously to maintain a sense of order in the community.
  • Communicate guidelines clearly and ensure that members are aware of the consequences of violations.

For Small Communities, Moderation Techniques May Be Focused On:- 

1. Personal Engagement with Community Members:

  • In smaller communities, moderation can be more personal. Engage with members on a one-on-one basis to build relationships and address concerns promptly.
  • Foster a sense of community by being accessible and approachable.

2. Conflict Resolution:

  • Conflict resolution becomes a central part of moderation in small communities. Work to mediate disputes and encourage healthy discussions.
  • Encourage open dialogue and communication to prevent conflicts from escalating.

3. Maintaining the Community's Culture and Values:

  • Small communities often have a unique culture and set of values. Moderation should focus on preserving and nurturing these aspects.
  • Ensure that new members understand and respect the community's ethos.

4. Transparency and Collaboration:

  • Maintain open channels of communication with community members. Seek their input and involve them in decision-making processes.
  • Transparency is crucial in building trust within a close-knit community.

5. Flexible Moderation Policies:

  • Small communities may benefit from more flexible moderation policies that can adapt to the evolving needs and preferences of members.
  • Be open to feedback and adjust policies accordingly.


Community moderation is the invisible force that sustains the integrity of online communities. As digital gatekeepers, moderators possess a unique set of skills and tools to foster inclusivity, resolve conflicts, and ensure that everyone feels welcome in the virtual spaces they oversee. 

By adhering to best practices, leveraging the right tools, and adapting strategies to the specific needs of their communities, moderators play an essential role in cultivating thriving and respectful online environments. Moreover, it is important to consider feedback frequently make necessary changes accordingly, and ensure that you don’t divert from your brand’s value.

About LikeMinds

Likeminds elevates businesses in unlocking the true potential of their users through their in-app community and social network. Using LikeMinds, businesses achieve higher conversion and retention, by building custom community experiences in their existing platform unlocking community-led growth.

With LikeMinds, businesses get an easy-to-implement and highly scalable infrastructure with a fully customizable UI. All of this with a customization time of 3 days and a deployment time of 15 minutes.

Our Chat and Feed infra have pre-built widgets such as image carousels, PDF slides, short videos, polls, quizzes, events, forms, and more for user engagement and retention along with moderation capabilities to ensure frictionless community operations.

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Deploy customised features on top of chat and feed in 15 minutes using LikeMinds SDK.

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Image showing Resource Library, which is a inApp feed usecase.

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Community Moderation: A DeepDive into Needs, Methods, & Experiences

Pooja Singh
October 16, 2023

Online communities play a vital role in connecting people from all walks of life. These communities, whether they revolve around shared interests, professional networking, support, or simply a common passion, have become digital havens for countless individuals. But with great connectivity comes the responsibility of maintaining a safe and respectful environment. This is where community moderation steps in.

TL: DR Using case studies and examples shared by Shelton Desouza, Avani Parekh, Aswathi, & Nipun Goyal we’ll delve into the world of community moderation, exploring the skills required for effective moderation, offering tips to tackle harmful comments, introducing tools to enhance the moderation process, discussing best practices for offline community building, and emphasizing the role of moderation in building inclusive online spaces.

Read the blog or watch the full episode to have interesting insights about tools, strategies, and processes of community moderation.

Must Have Skills To Elevate Your Moderation Abilities

Communication Skills - Community moderators are the guardians of the online realm, tasked with ensuring that every member feels heard and valued. Empathy is their superpower, enabling them to understand the needs and concerns of community members. Effective communication skills allow them to resolve conflicts, guide discussions, and build rapport within the community.

Problem-Solving Abilities - Moderators need to wear many hats, and problem-solving is a key skill in their arsenal. From mediating disputes to addressing technical issues, they must think on their feet to maintain a harmonious environment.

Cultural Sensitivity - In our globalized digital world, cultural sensitivity is paramount. Moderators must navigate cultural differences respectfully to ensure that no member feels excluded or marginalized.

Time Management and Organizational Skills - Keeping users engaged requires a well-organized schedule for content and activities. 

Conflict Resolution Skills - Addressing disagreements and feedback constructively is crucial for maintaining a harmonious community.

Here’s what our community experts have shared on this:

I believe you can't train for the voice, so your team members either intuitively get what your brand voice is or they don't. That was a really big learning in terms of moving from smaller communities to within the app and scaling to millions and more – we always prioritize that voice first - Avani Parekh
Communicating with members might not always be possible for a community manager. So you have to set up a process where members or users can question your moderation process such as ticketing or an appealing system. This is an important change you’ll need to incorporate when your community scales. Regardless of the size and type of the community transparency is essential  - Aswathi

Strategies to Counter Harmful Comments Passed by Community Members

Recognizing Harmful Comments - Understanding the nuances of harmful comments is the first step in addressing them. This includes recognizing hate speech, trolling, cyberbullying, and other negative behaviors. 

Responding to Harmful Comments - Moderators should be equipped with strategies for responding to harmful comments. This includes knowing when to intervene, when to ignore, and maintaining a professional tone in all interactions.

Enforcing Consequences - Consequences are essential for maintaining a respectful community. Moderators should explain the process of warning members and, if necessary, banning those who repeatedly engage in harmful behavior.

Real World Example: Aswathi used a 3-strike policy to stop violating comments shared in her community at Quora. Here are 3 steps followed by her:- 

  1. Educate About Guidelines: Engage in 1:1 communication to educate members about community guidelines.
  2. Warning System: Use email warnings to address inappropriate behavior.
  3. Member Removal: If guidelines are persistently violated, removal may be necessary to protect the community.

Tools for Community Managers to Improve the Moderation Process

  • Platform-Specific Tools - Many platforms offer built-in or add-on moderation tools. Example: MEE6 for Discord.
  • Content Filtering Software - Use software to filter out inappropriate content automatically.
  • Flagging - Highlight words or phrases that need immediate attention. Quora had an inbuilt system for this.
  • Stay Informed - Set up notifications via email or other channels to manage the community effectively without being online 24/7.

Best Practices for Offline Community Building

Identifying Shared Interests - Offline community building starts with identifying common interests or goals that bring community members or users together. Events and activities should align with these interests.

Transparent Communication - Maintain open and transparent channels to keep members informed about events and updates. Open and transparent communication is essential for organizing successful offline events. Effective communication strategies and tools can facilitate the process.

Inclusivity and Diversity - Offline events must be accessible and welcoming to all members, regardless of background. Promoting diversity within the community is crucial for fostering inclusivity.

Here’s some tips our experts have shared on this:

Pay attention to every little thing to avoid your member feeling leftover as it is important to make people feel more comfortable & how do you break the ice? It takes a lot more human effort - Shelton  
You need to decide who is not supposed to be in the room as it is more important than whom you are inviting because if you have the wrong people (with different interests or perspectives) the whole event can derail because it might seem good to have 2000 people at your event but you need to make your curation effective according to your targeted audience  - Avani 

Use of Moderation to Build an Inclusive Community

Crafting Inclusive Community Guidelines - Community guidelines should be crafted to promote inclusivity and respect for all members. Inclusive guidelines can help you set the tone for a welcoming environment.

Diversity in Moderation Team - A diverse moderation team, representing various backgrounds and perspectives, helps enhance the community's ability to address inclusivity effectively.

Handling Cultural Nuances - Sensitivity to cultural and regional differences is essential in moderating discussions and addressing potential misunderstandings.

Double down on what you are trying to encourage to happen. Reinforce certain values while onboarding and induction and try to give people visibility to see how these play out 

How Moderation Strategy Changes for a Specific Community?

For Large Communities, Moderation Techniques May Be Focused On:

1. Frequent Team Collaboration:

  • In large communities, there's often a higher volume of interactions and content. Moderation teams need to collaborate closely to manage this workload effectively.
  • Assign specific roles and responsibilities to team members to ensure every aspect of the community is covered.

2. Crisis Management:

  • Large communities are more susceptible to crises, such as viral controversies or spam attacks. Moderators must be prepared to handle these situations swiftly and decisively.
  • Develop crisis management protocols and escalation procedures to respond to emergencies effectively.

3. Data Analysis:

  • Utilize data analysis tools to monitor community trends, spot potential issues, and gather insights into user behavior.
  • Regularly review data to adjust moderation strategies, identify emerging problems, and make data-driven decisions.

4. Automation and Tools:

  • In large communities, automation and moderation tools become indispensable. 
  • Implement content filtering systems and keyword-based flagging to help manage the high volume of content.

5. Community Guidelines Enforcement:

  • Enforce community guidelines consistently and rigorously to maintain a sense of order in the community.
  • Communicate guidelines clearly and ensure that members are aware of the consequences of violations.

For Small Communities, Moderation Techniques May Be Focused On:- 

1. Personal Engagement with Community Members:

  • In smaller communities, moderation can be more personal. Engage with members on a one-on-one basis to build relationships and address concerns promptly.
  • Foster a sense of community by being accessible and approachable.

2. Conflict Resolution:

  • Conflict resolution becomes a central part of moderation in small communities. Work to mediate disputes and encourage healthy discussions.
  • Encourage open dialogue and communication to prevent conflicts from escalating.

3. Maintaining the Community's Culture and Values:

  • Small communities often have a unique culture and set of values. Moderation should focus on preserving and nurturing these aspects.
  • Ensure that new members understand and respect the community's ethos.

4. Transparency and Collaboration:

  • Maintain open channels of communication with community members. Seek their input and involve them in decision-making processes.
  • Transparency is crucial in building trust within a close-knit community.

5. Flexible Moderation Policies:

  • Small communities may benefit from more flexible moderation policies that can adapt to the evolving needs and preferences of members.
  • Be open to feedback and adjust policies accordingly.


Community moderation is the invisible force that sustains the integrity of online communities. As digital gatekeepers, moderators possess a unique set of skills and tools to foster inclusivity, resolve conflicts, and ensure that everyone feels welcome in the virtual spaces they oversee. 

By adhering to best practices, leveraging the right tools, and adapting strategies to the specific needs of their communities, moderators play an essential role in cultivating thriving and respectful online environments. Moreover, it is important to consider feedback frequently make necessary changes accordingly, and ensure that you don’t divert from your brand’s value.

About LikeMinds

Likeminds elevates businesses in unlocking the true potential of their users through their in-app community and social network. Using LikeMinds, businesses achieve higher conversion and retention, by building custom community experiences in their existing platform unlocking community-led growth.

With LikeMinds, businesses get an easy-to-implement and highly scalable infrastructure with a fully customizable UI. All of this with a customization time of 3 days and a deployment time of 15 minutes.

Our Chat and Feed infra have pre-built widgets such as image carousels, PDF slides, short videos, polls, quizzes, events, forms, and more for user engagement and retention along with moderation capabilities to ensure frictionless community operations.

Supercharge your retention with in-app social features

Deploy customised features on top of chat and feed in 15 minutes using LikeMinds SDK.

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