Nishant Nihar

Members Management
December 17, 2021

Nishant Nihar

December 17, 2021
Members Management

Managing Your Inner Circle To Enhance Community Loyalty

Today, we are going to focus on another integral element of every community loyalty - the Inner Circle.

In addition to that, if you’re looking for a platform to build your online community, then give LikeMinds a try today! From organizing virtual community events and shows to sharing skills and knowledge, you’ll find features for every use case here.

 Start Your Free Trial Now!  

What Is An Inner Circle?

An inner circle is a small group of members within a larger community who can help you start and grow the community. These people relate to the cause and can voluntarily take up some responsibilities from time to time to scale the community and loyalty within the community. They are the ones who build a sense of belongingness in the community.

Also Check Out:

Setting Criteria : Who To Include In Your Inner Circle?

There are different kinds of personas you can include in your Inner Circle. Let’s have a look around them all.

  • The Enabler : The friend who quips in ‚ÄúHey, do you want to do this community workshop together?‚Äù is the friend who can be termed as a learning enabler because his interests lie in your growth. It‚Äôs hard to set new aspirations for our communities without these learning enablers, to have clarity in goal and purpose. Having people in our community loyalty programs who want us to keep growing and learning continuously are the people who help us set sail for a long and productive journey ahead.
  • The Rooter Guy : This is the person who roots for the progress of the community at large and not just the outcome; the person who knows how hard you have toiled on something and goes like, ‚ÄúHey buddy, congratulations on making it in the game of life.‚Äù This is a must-have person in your inner circle list because he is more process oriented than outcome and spreads positive vibes.
  • The Coach : All community based loyalty programs need certain members to not simply challenge our thinking but also create solutions. For example, they may say, ‚ÄúThat idea is not concrete, read this up and see if it looks better.‚Äù They could be the person who infuses fresh perspective or a person who has a skill you need to develop and is more than happy to co-work and guide to step up your experience.
  • The Observer : There are people who can help us see our own selves in a different light, by seeing a better version of ourselves.We, as a community, are unable to see for ourselves who we are and lose track of our core identity sometimes and that is exactly why you need spotters in your loyalty program for community to see the community members in a better light.
  • The Support System : Confidants are the sources of deep support within the community, those who can see beyond whatever role, job, or project you have at any point in time. Not what you‚Äôve done and achieved, but who you are, and even who you are on the path to becoming. The confidant in your inner circle offers that safe space to explore new and emerging ideas you can experiment with.
Who To Include In Your Inner Circle

Also Check Out:

Benefits Of Having An Inner Circle For Your Community

The inner-circle members bring in their own set of advantages, which is why it is worth building one.

We take a look at a few of these positives below -

  • They will evangelize for the community.
  • They help to maintain secrecy and implement a strong feedback loop.
  • They are the cornerstone for community based loyalty programs and advocacy in the community.
  • They help you in deep-diving on strategies and brainstorm better ideas for the development of the community.
  • They will help invite new members and grow the community.
  • Participation in events is high because of the presence of the inner circle members.
  • They usually are long-term members of a community and add genuine value.
  • They put more effort than an average member and this extra voluntary effort is what makes the community work.

Wait, we’re not through yet!

At LikeMinds, we have hundreds of community based loyalty programs that function by building a strong inner circle. Check us out for more.

 Visit Website Today!  

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Managing Your Inner Circle To Enhance Community Loyalty

Nishant Nihar
December 17, 2021

Today, we are going to focus on another integral element of every community loyalty - the Inner Circle.

In addition to that, if you’re looking for a platform to build your online community, then give LikeMinds a try today! From organizing virtual community events and shows to sharing skills and knowledge, you’ll find features for every use case here.

 Start Your Free Trial Now!  

What Is An Inner Circle?

An inner circle is a small group of members within a larger community who can help you start and grow the community. These people relate to the cause and can voluntarily take up some responsibilities from time to time to scale the community and loyalty within the community. They are the ones who build a sense of belongingness in the community.

Also Check Out:

Setting Criteria : Who To Include In Your Inner Circle?

There are different kinds of personas you can include in your Inner Circle. Let’s have a look around them all.

  • The Enabler : The friend who quips in ‚ÄúHey, do you want to do this community workshop together?‚Äù is the friend who can be termed as a learning enabler because his interests lie in your growth. It‚Äôs hard to set new aspirations for our communities without these learning enablers, to have clarity in goal and purpose. Having people in our community loyalty programs who want us to keep growing and learning continuously are the people who help us set sail for a long and productive journey ahead.
  • The Rooter Guy : This is the person who roots for the progress of the community at large and not just the outcome; the person who knows how hard you have toiled on something and goes like, ‚ÄúHey buddy, congratulations on making it in the game of life.‚Äù This is a must-have person in your inner circle list because he is more process oriented than outcome and spreads positive vibes.
  • The Coach : All community based loyalty programs need certain members to not simply challenge our thinking but also create solutions. For example, they may say, ‚ÄúThat idea is not concrete, read this up and see if it looks better.‚Äù They could be the person who infuses fresh perspective or a person who has a skill you need to develop and is more than happy to co-work and guide to step up your experience.
  • The Observer : There are people who can help us see our own selves in a different light, by seeing a better version of ourselves.We, as a community, are unable to see for ourselves who we are and lose track of our core identity sometimes and that is exactly why you need spotters in your loyalty program for community to see the community members in a better light.
  • The Support System : Confidants are the sources of deep support within the community, those who can see beyond whatever role, job, or project you have at any point in time. Not what you‚Äôve done and achieved, but who you are, and even who you are on the path to becoming. The confidant in your inner circle offers that safe space to explore new and emerging ideas you can experiment with.
Who To Include In Your Inner Circle

Also Check Out:

Benefits Of Having An Inner Circle For Your Community

The inner-circle members bring in their own set of advantages, which is why it is worth building one.

We take a look at a few of these positives below -

  • They will evangelize for the community.
  • They help to maintain secrecy and implement a strong feedback loop.
  • They are the cornerstone for community based loyalty programs and advocacy in the community.
  • They help you in deep-diving on strategies and brainstorm better ideas for the development of the community.
  • They will help invite new members and grow the community.
  • Participation in events is high because of the presence of the inner circle members.
  • They usually are long-term members of a community and add genuine value.
  • They put more effort than an average member and this extra voluntary effort is what makes the community work.

Wait, we’re not through yet!

At LikeMinds, we have hundreds of community based loyalty programs that function by building a strong inner circle. Check us out for more.

 Visit Website Today!  

Supercharge your retention with in-app social features

Deploy customised features on top of chat and feed in 15 minutes using LikeMinds SDK.

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